When AR Rahman and Rasool Pookutty broke decade-old jinx in Indian Cinema, millions of hearts cried Jai Ho joining rest of the music lovers across the world. True to the song Jai Ho or “Be victorious,” the duo has emerged victorious in the world’s biggest film competition. Though Rahman and Rasool have Satyajit Ray and Bhanu Athaiya as their predecessors, unlike them the duo won the Oscar in competitive fields. So their win has glory and it stands apart. Ray was awarded a honourary Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement. Bhanu Athaiya bagged it for her costume designing in the Richard Attenborough movie Gandhi in 1982, the first Indian to win an Oscar. And now after 17 years of Oscar drought AR Rahman and Rasool Pookutty have brought top Oscar awards to their country making each Indian filled with pride. AR Rahman has proved many times his musical genius through variety of songs and albums he has done. Yet, many from his music fraternity are r...