It is written for Assad too

When it comes to strategy adopted to encourage regime change uprisings in the Arab world, from Tunis to Syria, the Western diplomatic measures wear an exhausted look. “Pledging aid to meet humanitarian crisis,” issuing “deadlines” and “warnings” are high on its agenda to bring down the regime in Syria. Contrary to its tit-for-tat strategy in Libya and Egypt, the West and other nations engaged in bringing peace are moving on a slow track in Syria. Compared to the eliminated despots like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qadhafi or ousted autocrats like Hosni Mubarak and Ali Abdullah Saleh, Bashar Al Assad was lucky to get a time-taking approach. He was moulded in liberal qualities and values of life than others. And naturally, the expectation on Assad was more on embracing reforms within a very limited timeframe. What do these tyrants smell like? Their wives are better to say that. Haven't they experienced nauseating smell of innocent bloods when they mate? Assad continues crushin...