I am an Indian expat, not a doormat

Indians are spread across every continent. We have embassies and consulates almost everywhere. But do they have a database of expatriates in each country. Ask any ambassador, they will admit there is no such practice of head counting. It was when issues like massive job loss, as it happened in Saudi Arabia, or a war like situation arises in other countries, the governments realise that expat community does exist. But why? It's high time the political parties and government start thinking about changing the outdated immigration rules that indirectly support bonded labour in foreign nations. It is a fact that millions of Indians left their country for a foreign nation for betterment of their lives which in turn helping the entire nation. Be it blue collar or white collar, each one is contributing to the welfare of the mother land. Let the crisis in Saudi Arabia be an eye-opener for the Indian government. With the swift action, Narendra Modi government has proved it has the...