Sarkozy-Strip not like Dushasana

Very soon anybody who wears full face covering veils in France will be fined. The target is Islamic face veil called burqa. For women who are wearing the veil for a long time, it will be embarrassing to take it off from their dress code. Just imagine, you are a person who is used to wearing sari or any other full body-covering dress. One day your employer wanted to make micro minis or shots as dress, what will be your personal reaction??? No doubt, you may either quit the job or protest against it. Personally, I am against all those things that exhibit your religiosity in dress and ways. It is one's personal choice, but at the same it should not be in any other way an obstacle to others. The French government, now with this ban is aiming at targeting militants who may hide in burqa and indulge in terrorist activities. So in a way the government is trying to say all those militant activities are done by those who believe in burqa. But is it the right way for a nation to protec...