
Do words fail us? My experience says, yes, sometimes. But my members of family say, it’s not the problem of words, but my own inability to think in a mundane way. And it ends up in total confusion like this incident happened a few days back, which I didn’t share with them fearing to become a butt of ridicule again.

One day, reaching home from office, the water bottle I kept outside my flat for refilling went missing. But the money kept under the bottle was untouched. Obviously, somebody who badly needed a five gallon bottle for free took it.

I informed the watchman, who does not understand English very well. I told him somebody had stolen my water bottle. And he asked me to explain in Hindi. I tried to get the Hindi word ‘chor’ for ‘thief’. But however hard I tried, ‘chor’ was stuck somewhere down my throat.

In my vain attempt to get the apt word, I asked him, “What is the word for someone who takes other people’s things”

And he too lost in words. Utter confusion. Somehow I made him understand the matter in my poor Hindi. But once I hang down the phone, I screamed in joy like Archimedes … Eureka! “Chhhooooorrrrrrr!”


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