So Much To Learn From Suu Kyi Do not ask from where fighters in conflict zones are getting howitzer guns and missiles to fight. Do not sympathise with their hungry-looking disposition, and wonder from where they get strength to trigger heavy guns and artilleries. The thirst for power and urge to change the course of history written in decades-long humiliation and oppression at the hands of the ruling class justify their action – at least for them, but not for millions of mute spectators and innocent victims of conflict zones. There was a time when wars were attributed to barbarians of the Dark Ages in the history of mankind. There is no difficulty in finding more civilised barbarians these days, who talk of ending hostilities and embrace peace dialogues to solve issues. Diplomacy has gone so far that it will end in decapitating someone who is found to be a threat to global security and society. Amid these hypocritical dimensions, figh...