Mum is the world

When did you last meet your mother? Are you able to give her back all the affection she has showered upon you? Are you meeting all her requirements? Are you living up to her expectations?

These are some kind of thoughts that may come to all of us on a Mother's Day.I don't know when did we, the Indians, start observing a special day for mothers.But, mothers indeed need a special occasion.

We may blame it on marketing strategy for all sorts of days, from Valentine's Day to Father's Day. But they serve a big purpose to the society making all of us to take a break and think about all dear ones at least for a day.

My mother is no more. The years I have spend with her are still fresh and sure it will keep me moving on. Now, with a prick of conscience, I regret for not taking her warnings about her imminent death. Why did I so vainly believe that she will be with me till I grow old. Whenever she used to say about death, I used to tell her she will die only after my death in a jovial mood. She was healthier than all her children. But something was written for her and it happened.

But do we add an immortality to mothers than fathers? Do we take mothers for granted and wish them to remain with us throughout our life? Isn't it a selfish thought? I am not sure.But the impact a mother leaves upon a child,good or bad, becomes basis of an individual's character.

Though majority of countries observe second Sunday of May as Mother's Day, except January, July and September, each month has a day specially dedicated to mothers. The day may differ from country to country, but mothers all over the world have same heart that beats for the safety and well-being of their children.

My love to all mothers on this Mother's Day.

Let us not forget mothers wailing over their sons who are in war front; let us pray for those who are crying over their daughters who are fallen upon the hands of human trafficking rackets; let us wish all our men treat their counterparts with equal respect and care as they care their mothers; let us teach our kids to love all.


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