Don't Make Me a Feminist

Today's women are labelled emanicipated and free birds compared to past generation. And the contemporary generation is enjoying the fruits of what they have fought and won for the posterity. But does plight of women has changed? NO. It is more or less the same.

It is not just because as some who blame it on women, who are averse to change, but men, who scares entry of women into his territory.

Even the most powerful lady in US, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has to say, "it is her wish to see a female US president in her lifetime."

What stops men from accepting and sharing his privileges with women, his other half.
Whenever I come across MCPs in job place, the first feeling will be that of frustration and despair for being born as a woman.

There were so many occasions, I just wished to be a man.
During my childhood, it was the wish to sit on roadside shops and chat like boys, who simply while away their time passing comments at girls.

When I grew up a little bit older, it was to roam around with friends till night.

But I was so lucky compared to my counterparts to go for movies or go for short trips to friends' houses and other places, though I was strictly asked to reach home not later than 7. Thanks to my mum who gave me immense freedom resisting the other members of family. The trust she has on me was, she was sure about the limits I might cross!

I am so grateful to parents of my friends , who opened up their feelings for me when they said, "If you are there, she will also come."

Is there no point in believing man-woman equality? Being raised up in a very liberal atmosphere where boys and girls are treated equally, I always loathe men who do not recognise women as a human being, and consider them ad disgusting as a criminal, who is a big threat to society.

But I realise, work place sidelining, just for being a woman, is hard to change until the respective organisations take some decisive step. I was so enthusiastic to join an organisation run by a woman,taking it as a big opportunity to work under a woman boss.But to see it controlled by men was a shattering experience. When novices floats on cloud noun for getting a role they could not even dream of, the experienced find it uncomfortable for not getting their due under such circumstances.There begins the birth of a feminist.Like the famous drama "Ningalenne Communistaakki (You made me a Communist)," attitude of "unfair sex" make me think like a feminist.Shall I scream "Ningalenne feministaakki."

Chivalry may be an outdated characteristic of men. No woman these days dream about her man to come like a "Highway man riding up to the inn door" but still expects a man to open door for her or give way for her to enter a train or a bus. Luckily,there are so many courtesy-showing people in this Arab country.The respect they show towards women, is really heart-touching and encouraging. If ever, I felt happiness and confidence of being a woman, it is because of this country and its male population.

Deep in their hearts, women of modern times, still like and respect such kind-hearted men.

But that feeling reverses when I remember how a colleague back in Kerala, whom I considered as a good friend, left me and my sister in the midnight darkness, while we were returning home from an assignment.That day I lost all the impression on an upcoming poet-journalist for his lack of consideration for his fellow human beings.May be he is afraid of helping a woman,for being caught in gossips. But as a woman, I expected a minimum level of decency.

A more shocking incident happened recently here from my fellow Indians.I was under false impression that time has changed the attitude of men towards their women colleagues. I am forced to change that view when I find new generation men united to show their reluctance to share their job with a woman even upon a senior person's instruction. Blame it on their upbringing and lack of confidence accompanied by jealousy.

It simply means men are not changing from time to time as women do.But I am happy with the egoists and MCPs, for they are the yardstick to prove my mettle at workplace:))))))))


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