Just a rumour,but...

We have seen how far rumour mills created chaos in a country where millions migrate to different states just for work to have a decent life. Most of the northeast people who have fled metros in southern states were either doing menial jobs or studying aimed at having quality life back home. According to reports mass exodus and fear over attack continued on the eve of Eid though it has subsided.

The rumours of attack after Eid has just proved how insecure the minds of common people who just struggle to make both ends meet.

This is far from the 'prosperity of nation'projected in figures and boasting of a nation secular and democratic. But who are the real culprits? Is it the six arrested by the Karnataka Police or some sly powers trying to destabilise India's emergence as a powerful nation?

When the entire Middle East is before us burning with the issue of regime changes in the pretext of bringing democracy to the region;naturally India could be a possible target for bringing a chaos in the subcontinent. Let us not also forget a leading magazine like The Time projecting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as an underachiever and asking him to come out of his political gloom!

Without getting deeper into the core issue, the government is focusing on censorship. Luckily,our politicians showed unity this time, to meet the situation in a logical way and allay fears of northeastern community.

Efforts to stop mass exodus by not allowing to spread the pictures and news of a precarious situation is commendable. But is it right stepfrom the authorities? The government has also banned bulk SMS and MMS for 15 days too. The pictures of those fleeing the cities were as horrific as those ofIndo-Pak partition. And there is big srutiny on social networking sites too.

Social networking sites perform like double-edged swords-it could spread the good as well as the bad. Let the government itself spread a positive message on social networking sites and see the difference instead of putting a curb on them. Isn't that the right move? And why don't they make use of channels and radio stations to spread the right information.

(Pix From Hindustan Times)


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