Step Down Madam

News is not news when it's not new. In that sense Delhi rape cases are neither new nor news.

Rapes and sexual abuses have become so common in Delhi that women are advised not to travel alone in the national capital. At the same time you can see free love birds in the city engaged in cajoling and all sorts of amorous dalliance in broad daylight not afraid of curious onlookers. Such scenes give a wrong impression about the city which provides absolute freedom to individuals.

But reports coming from the national capital always said the opposite and good enough to disbelief them.

The latest incident of gangrape of a medical student in a moving bus is so shocking that demands stringent action in dealing crime against women not in Delhi alone,but across the nation.

Let us not forget that Delhi is being ruled by a woman chief minister who should and could understand the difficulties and needs of women. What a fool am I to forget that people born with silver spoons realise common man's problems! Sheila Dixit should step down taking moral responsibility for not being able to ensure safety to women in the state.

Though she failed to react strongly to the shocking incident, women MPs in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha drew nation's attention to the increasing number of sexual abuse in the capital city effectively. Especially, Girija Vyas, who pointed out lack of police patrolling and security measures in private buses running in the city.

But BJP leader Sushma Swaraj's rhetoric was just a lamentation over a "wasteful life" that was waiting outside for the girl even if she recovers from all the injuries and come back to normalcy. As a woman and a parliamentarian she fell short of giving courage to thousands of women who commute daily in the state. Though she demanded for death penalty in extreme situations, it was obvious she was referring to Afsal Guru.

In Rajya Sabha, Jaya Bachchan got so emotional and eneded her speech in tears. At one point she has even lashed out against the chair, PJ Kurien, who himself was allegedly to be a part of Sooryanelli sex racket case!

A woman taking part in a demonstration in Delhi was seen asking the right question to a NDTV reporte, "Where was media and politicians all these days when we were harassed for holding protests against the government for not ensuring safety to women." The woman also said 534 rape cases was reported so far in Delihi this year.

Though TV channels has risen up to occasion at this time, in fact media in Delhi was showing a laid back attitude in the increasing crimes against women.

Compared to this media in Kerala is doing a very commendable job in bringing out sexual abuse cases to the public. Though the nature of cases in Delhi and Kerala are different, issue is the same. Women have become mere objects of pleasure in the eyes of men.

Are women paying the price for finding a life outside their four walls of their homes and trying to come in par with their counterparts?

Or men have become perverts watching all raunchy, sexually explicit contents in movies and albums?

Though all women are not getting raped, is there a single woman who can say she was not even raped by the eyes of men? Or any man can say he hasn't raped any woman with his eyes?

Please don't mix consensual sexual adventures with this:)


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