Ceasefire NOW: Palestinian lives matter, not Hamas

 A girl takes part in a peaceful rally organised by a feminist group in Germany on November 25, 2023.
Photo by Fez Rahiman 

Palestinian lives matter not Hamas. What a shame the so called international media are even failing to consider Palestinian children as children. Not a word on the condition of released Palestine prisoners and whenever reporters accidentally utter a word about them they cut it short and start describing the medical treatment offered to the hostages at the Israeli hospitals! Not even a mention about unjustifiable detentions of little girls and boys in the jails. Some of the released are children arrested and came out as teenagers and youths.

Mediapersons everywhere are failing to maintain the objectivity and neutrality expected from the fourth estate!
Hamas has brilliantly silenced Israel, its allies and the western media which were eagerly waiting to 'shock the world with reports' about the militants' atrocities on the hostages. All released hostages were found hale and healthy contrary to their perceptions. Yet, Israel is subjugating the released hostages under intense health screening before handing them over to the families. Let them reunite with the families first!

At the same time, Israel is stopping families and friends of released Palestinians from celebrating the freedom of their loved ones. What a pity! Israel can try to learn something from the Islamists at this juncture. Show some intelligence and avoid strengthening the Hamas further.

Recognise Palestine as a country and allow free movement for the people in all occupied territories including Gaza. The first step towards a long lasting peace should be shedding Islamophobia and hatred for Muslims.

PS: This is not a post to support Hamas but to bring the plight of ordinary Palestinians and right to freedom.


  1. It is actually islam fear,generated among the non muslims by the islamic terrorists.
    Not phobia .You are trying to mislead...
    It is highly objectionable..


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